
The local C&SS show is Memorial day in May. Unfortunately, my Sans have decided now is the time to bloom. This is going to be my first year showing plants. Anyway, I am excited about buds. I just wish they had waited a few weeks to begin.

Sans suffruticosa
March 2
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March 10
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March 18
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Another stalk coming up

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And another sans strutting it's stuff with 10 bloom stalks coming up!

Sans cylindrica
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Sans suffruticosa
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Sans cylindrica
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Some other Sans around the house & I've ordered even more :S

Sans guineensis - Yard stick for comparison

Sans "Twisted Sister"


Sans "Lillian True" yard stick again
Sans parva
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Sans singularis (fischerii)


& Sans trifasciata, only half is variegated

All images, text, and graphics © Rhonda Grace, unless stated so and cannot be used without written consent.